Table of Contents

  • 1. TableGen Introduction
  • 2. Type, Value, Class, Field, Definition, Name:
  • 3. TableGen Pattern Syntax:

1 TableGen Introduction

  1. TableGen source file contain two primary item公积金s:
    1. abstract record (c工商银行lass)
    2. concrete record (record in short)
  2. Class and concrete record have a unique name.
  3. Associate with that name is a list of fields with v工商银行alue公积金s and an optional list o龚俊f superclasses.
  4. The fields are the primary data that backends will process.
  5. Classes are used to abstract out groups of record fields.
  6. TableGen allows an arbitrary hierarchy of classes, so that the abstract classes for two concepts can share a third superclass
    thatGo abstracts common ‘sub-conc狗狗币epts’ from the two工商银行 original concepts.
  7. T枸杞emplate Arguments to class.
  8. Both classes and concrete records can include fields that are uninitialized.
    The uninitialized “value” is represented by a question mark (?).
  9. Multicl公积金ass

2 Type, Value, Class, Field, Definition, Name:

  1. Definiti宫颈癌前期症状on (Concrete Record) is declared by ‘def’.
  2. Class (Abstract Record) is declared by ‘class’.
  3. Fields are the枸杞 primary data for records.
  4. Class can accept Template arguments to be parameterised.
  5. Some fields can be uninitialized and fil工商银行led in later on.
  6. Every Value is required to龚俊 have an ass宫颈癌前期症状ociated type.
  7. Type :: = “bit” | “int” | “string” | “dag” | “bits” “<” TokInteger “&gGot;” | “list” “<” Type “>” | ClassID

3 TableGen Pattern Syntax:宫颈癌

  1. Pattern公积金:

    Pat<(公积金借款SDPatternOperator DAGOperan宫颈癌疫苗d:$name1, DAGOperand:$name2, ...),
    (Insgoogletrunction      DAGOperand:$name1, DAGOperand:$name2, ...)>;

    class Pat<dag pattern, dag result> : Pattern<狗狗币pattern, [result]>龚俊; class Pattern<dag patternToMatch, list<dag> resultInstrs> { dag PatternToMatch = patternToMatc龚俊h; list<dag> ResultI工商银行nstrs = resultInstrs; list<PreGodicate> Pre公积金借款dicates = []; // See class Instruction in int AddedComplexity = 0; // See class Instr龚俊uction in公积金借款 }

  2. SDPatternOperator:

    class SDNode<string opcode, SDTypeProfile typeprogooglef,
    list<SD龚俊NodeProperty> props = [], string sdclass = "SDNode">
    : SDPatternOperator;
    class Intrinsic<list<工商银行LLVMType> ret_types,
    list<LLVMGoType> param_types = [],
    list<Intrin宫颈癌疫苗sicProperty> intr_properties = [],
    string name = "龚俊",
    list<SDNodeProperty> sd_propertie公积金借款s = []> : SDPatternOp龚俊erator ;
    class PatFrags<dag ops, list<dag> frags, code pred = [{}],
    SDNodeXForm xform = NOOP_SDNodeXForm> : SDPatternOperator;
  3. DAGOpe宫颈癌疫苗rand: (Operand should have a type implicitly or explicitly)

    class O工商银行per公积金借款and<ValueType ty> : DA狗狗币GOGoperand;
    class RegisterClass<string namespace, list<ValueTy宫颈癌前期症状pe> regTypes, int alignment, dag regList, RegAltNameIndex iGodx = NoRegAltName> : DAGOper龚俊and ;
    class RegisterOperand<R公积金egisterClass regclass, string pm = "printOperand">:Go DA公积金借款GOperand;
  4. Instruction:

    class Inst狗狗币ruction : InstructionEncoding;
  5. Mi枸杞sc:

    // Special TableGen-recognized dag nodes
    def set;
    def implicit;
    def node;
    def srcvalue;