Photo by NEOM on Unsplash
在绝大多数的后端开发的职业生涯中,日常工作仍是首要围绕业务写数据库CRUD相关的接口。咱们从自身业务开发实践出发,给go-doudou v2.1.4版别增加了一个新特性:依据gorm从数据库一键生成RESTful和gRPC服务,来帮助广阔go言语开发者更快更好的完成需求,快速上线。这一特性目前规划和支撑了以下6类接口:
Post{{.ModelStructName}}(ctx context.Context, body dto.{{.ModelStructName}}) (data {{.PriKeyType}}, err error)
Post{{.ModelStructName}}s(ctx context.Context, body []dto.{{.ModelStructName}}) (data []{{.PriKeyType}}, err error)
Get{{.ModelStructName}}_Id(ctx context.Context, id {{.PriKeyType}}) (data dto.{{.ModelStructName}}, err error)
Put{{.ModelStructName}}(ctx context.Context, body dto.{{.ModelStructName}}) error
Delete{{.ModelStructName}}_Id(ctx context.Context, id {{.PriKeyType}}) error
Get{{.ModelStructName}}s(ctx context.Context, parameter dto.Parameter) (data dto.Page, err error)
:单条数据新增接口 -
:批量数据新增接口 -
:依据主键ID查询单条数据接口 -
:依据主键ID更新单条数据接口 -
:依据主键ID删去单条数据接口 -
go-doudou svc init myproject --db_driver mysql --db_dsn "root:1234@tcp(" --db_soft delete_at --db_grpc
go-doudou svc init myproject
:该指令表明初始化或许增量更新myproject项目,假如myproject文件夹不存在,会自动创立。假如go-doudou svc init
后面没有跟文件夹途径或项目称号,则会默许直接将代码生成在当前文件夹途径下。该指令是两用的,既能够初始化并生成全套代码,也能够用于在后续项目迭代过程中增量生成代码。 -
:设置数据库driver,支撑的参数值有mysql,postgres,sqlite,sqlserver和tidb。 -
:设置数据库衔接地址,留意需求前后加双引号 -
指定的字段才会用上gorm的软删去机制 -
- 另外还有一个参数
go-doudou svc init
指令还有一些其他功用和指令行参数,感兴趣的话能够履行指令go-doudou svc init --help
咱们以PostgreSQL为例,先创立一个数据库testpg,create database testpg;
-- Create "address" table
CREATE TABLE "address" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "uid" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "phone" character varying(30) NULL DEFAULT '', "name" character varying(30) NULL DEFAULT '', "zipcode" character varying(20) NULL DEFAULT '', "address" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "default_address" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "address"
COMMENT ON TABLE "address" IS '地址信息';
-- Set comment to column: "id" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."id" IS '主键';
-- Set comment to column: "uid" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."uid" IS '用户编号';
-- Set comment to column: "phone" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."phone" IS '用户手机';
-- Set comment to column: "name" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."name" IS '用户名字';
-- Set comment to column: "zipcode" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."zipcode" IS '邮政编码';
-- Set comment to column: "address" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."address" IS '地址';
-- Set comment to column: "default_address" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."default_address" IS '默许地址';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "address"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "address" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "administrator" table
CREATE TABLE "administrator" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "username" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "password" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "mobile" character varying(100) NULL, "email" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "role_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "is_super" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON TABLE "administrator" IS '管理员表';
-- Set comment to column: "username" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."username" IS '用户名';
-- Set comment to column: "password" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."password" IS '暗码';
-- Set comment to column: "mobile" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."mobile" IS '手机号';
-- Set comment to column: "email" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."email" IS '邮箱';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "role_id" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."role_id" IS '人物编号';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Set comment to column: "is_super" on table: "administrator"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "administrator" ."is_super" IS '是否超级管理员';
-- Create "auth" table
CREATE TABLE "auth" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "module_name" character varying(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "action_name" character varying(80) NULL DEFAULT '', "type" boolean NULL DEFAULT false, "url" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "module_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "description" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "status" boolean NULL DEFAULT false, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "checked" boolean NULL DEFAULT false, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "auth"
COMMENT ON TABLE "auth" IS '权限操控';
-- Set comment to column: "action_name" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."action_name" IS '操作称号';
-- Set comment to column: "type" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."type" IS '节点类型';
-- Set comment to column: "url" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."url" IS '跳转地址';
-- Set comment to column: "module_id" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."module_id" IS '模块编号';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."sort" IS '排序';
-- Set comment to column: "description" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."description" IS '描绘';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Set comment to column: "checked" on table: "auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "auth" ."checked" IS '是否检验';
-- Create "banner" table
CREATE TABLE "banner" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "title" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "banner_type" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "banner_img" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "link" character varying(200) NULL DEFAULT '', "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "status" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "banner"
COMMENT ON TABLE "banner" IS '焦点图表';
-- Set comment to column: "id" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."id" IS '主键';
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."title" IS '标题';
-- Set comment to column: "banner_type" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."banner_type" IS '类型';
-- Set comment to column: "banner_img" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."banner_img" IS '图片地址';
-- Set comment to column: "link" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."link" IS '衔接';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."sort" IS '排序';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "banner"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "banner" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "cart" table
CREATE TABLE "cart" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "title" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "price" numeric(10,2) NULL DEFAULT 0.00, "goods_version" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "num" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "product_gift" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_fitting" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_color" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_img" character varying(150) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_attr" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "cart"
COMMENT ON TABLE "cart" IS '购物车';
-- Set comment to column: "id" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."id" IS '主键';
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."title" IS '标题';
-- Set comment to column: "goods_version" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."goods_version" IS '版别';
-- Set comment to column: "num" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."num" IS '数量';
-- Set comment to column: "product_gift" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."product_gift" IS '产品礼物';
-- Set comment to column: "product_fitting" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."product_fitting" IS '产品调配';
-- Set comment to column: "product_color" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."product_color" IS '产品色彩';
-- Set comment to column: "product_img" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."product_img" IS '产品图片';
-- Set comment to column: "product_attr" on table: "cart"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "cart" ."product_attr" IS '产品特点';
-- Create "menu" table
CREATE TABLE "menu" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "link" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "position" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "is_opennew" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "relation" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "status" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "id" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."id" IS '编号';
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."title" IS '标题';
-- Set comment to column: "link" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."link" IS '衔接';
-- Set comment to column: "position" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."position" IS '位置';
-- Set comment to column: "is_opennew" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."is_opennew" IS '是否新翻开';
-- Set comment to column: "relation" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."relation" IS '联系';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."sort" IS '排序';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "menu"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "menu" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "order" table
CREATE TABLE "order" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "order_id" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "uid" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "all_price" numeric(10,2) NULL DEFAULT 0.00, "phone" character varying(30) NULL DEFAULT '', "name" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "address" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "zipcode" character varying(30) NULL DEFAULT '', "pay_status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "pay_type" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "order_status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "id" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."id" IS '编号';
-- Set comment to column: "order_id" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."order_id" IS '订单编号';
-- Set comment to column: "uid" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."uid" IS '用户编号';
-- Set comment to column: "all_price" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."all_price" IS '价格';
-- Set comment to column: "phone" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."phone" IS '电话';
-- Set comment to column: "name" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."name" IS '名字';
-- Set comment to column: "address" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."address" IS '地址';
-- Set comment to column: "zipcode" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."zipcode" IS '邮编';
-- Set comment to column: "pay_status" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."pay_status" IS '付出状况';
-- Set comment to column: "pay_type" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."pay_type" IS '付出类型';
-- Set comment to column: "order_status" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."order_status" IS '订单状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "order"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "order_item" table
CREATE TABLE "order_item" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "order_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "uid" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "product_title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "product_img" character varying(200) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_price" numeric(10,2) NULL DEFAULT 0.00, "product_num" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "goods_version" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "goods_color" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "id" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."id" IS '订单编号';
-- Set comment to column: "order_id" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."order_id" IS '订单编号';
-- Set comment to column: "uid" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."uid" IS '用户编号';
-- Set comment to column: "product_title" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."product_title" IS '产品标题';
-- Set comment to column: "product_id" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."product_id" IS '产品编号';
-- Set comment to column: "product_img" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."product_img" IS '产品图片';
-- Set comment to column: "product_price" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."product_price" IS '产品价格';
-- Set comment to column: "product_num" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."product_num" IS '产品数量';
-- Set comment to column: "goods_version" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."goods_version" IS '产品版别';
-- Set comment to column: "goods_color" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."goods_color" IS '产品色彩';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "order_item"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "order_item" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "product" table
CREATE TABLE "product" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "sub_title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_sn" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "cate_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "click_count" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "product_number" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "price" numeric(10,2) NULL DEFAULT 0.00, "market_price" numeric(10,2) NULL DEFAULT 0.00, "relation_product" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_attr" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_version" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_img" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_gift" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_fitting" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_color" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_keywords" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_desc" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "product_content" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "is_delete" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "is_hot" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "is_best" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "is_new" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "product_type_id" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "product"
COMMENT ON TABLE "product" IS '产品';
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."title" IS '标题';
-- Set comment to column: "sub_title" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."sub_title" IS '子标题';
-- Set comment to column: "cate_id" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."cate_id" IS '分类id';
-- Set comment to column: "click_count" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."click_count" IS '点击数';
-- Set comment to column: "product_number" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_number" IS '产品编号';
-- Set comment to column: "price" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."price" IS '价格';
-- Set comment to column: "market_price" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."market_price" IS '市场价格';
-- Set comment to column: "relation_product" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."relation_product" IS '相关产品';
-- Set comment to column: "product_attr" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_attr" IS '产品特点';
-- Set comment to column: "product_version" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_version" IS '产品版别';
-- Set comment to column: "product_img" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_img" IS '产品图片';
-- Set comment to column: "product_color" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_color" IS '产品色彩';
-- Set comment to column: "product_keywords" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_keywords" IS '关键词';
-- Set comment to column: "product_desc" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_desc" IS '描绘';
-- Set comment to column: "product_content" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_content" IS '内容';
-- Set comment to column: "is_delete" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."is_delete" IS '是否删去';
-- Set comment to column: "is_hot" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."is_hot" IS '是否热门';
-- Set comment to column: "is_best" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."is_best" IS '是否热销';
-- Set comment to column: "is_new" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."is_new" IS '是否新品';
-- Set comment to column: "product_type_id" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."product_type_id" IS '产品类型编号';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."sort" IS '产品分类';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."status" IS '产品状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "product"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "product_attr" table
CREATE TABLE "product_attr" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "product_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "attribute_cate_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "attribute_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "attribute_title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "attribute_type" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "attribute_value" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON TABLE "product_attr" IS '产品特点';
-- Set comment to column: "product_id" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."product_id" IS '产品编号';
-- Set comment to column: "attribute_cate_id" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."attribute_cate_id" IS '特点分类编号';
-- Set comment to column: "attribute_id" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."attribute_id" IS '特点编号';
-- Set comment to column: "attribute_title" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."attribute_title" IS '特点标题';
-- Set comment to column: "attribute_type" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."attribute_type" IS '特点类型';
-- Set comment to column: "attribute_value" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."attribute_value" IS '特点值';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."sort" IS '排序';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "product_attr"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_attr" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Create "product_cate" table
CREATE TABLE "product_cate" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "title" character varying(200) NULL DEFAULT '', "cate_img" character varying(200) NULL DEFAULT '', "link" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "template" text NULL, "pid" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "sub_title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "keywords" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "description" text NULL, "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON TABLE "product_cate" IS '产品分类';
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."title" IS '分类称号';
-- Set comment to column: "cate_img" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."cate_img" IS '分类图片';
-- Set comment to column: "link" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."link" IS '链接';
-- Set comment to column: "template" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."template" IS '模版';
-- Set comment to column: "pid" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."pid" IS '父编号';
-- Set comment to column: "sub_title" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."sub_title" IS '子标题';
-- Set comment to column: "keywords" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."keywords" IS '关键字';
-- Set comment to column: "description" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."description" IS '描绘';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."sort" IS '排序';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "product_cate"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_cate" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "product_color" table
CREATE TABLE "product_color" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "color_name" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "color_value" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "checked" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "color_name" on table: "product_color"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_color" ."color_name" IS '色彩名字';
-- Set comment to column: "color_value" on table: "product_color"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_color" ."color_value" IS '色彩值';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "product_color"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_color" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "checked" on table: "product_color"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_color" ."checked" IS '是否检验';
-- Create "product_image" table
CREATE TABLE "product_image" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "product_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "img_url" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "color_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "product_id" on table: "product_image"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_image" ."product_id" IS '产品编号';
-- Set comment to column: "img_url" on table: "product_image"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_image" ."img_url" IS '图片地址';
-- Set comment to column: "color_id" on table: "product_image"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_image" ."color_id" IS '色彩编号';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "product_image"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_image" ."sort" IS '排序';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "product_image"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_image" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "product_image"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_image" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Create "product_type" table
CREATE TABLE "product_type" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "description" character varying(500) NULL DEFAULT '', "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "product_type"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type" ."title" IS '标题';
-- Set comment to column: "description" on table: "product_type"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type" ."description" IS '描绘';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "product_type"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "product_type"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "product_type_attribute" table
CREATE TABLE "product_type_attribute" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "cate_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "attr_type" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "attr_value" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "sort" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "cate_id" on table: "product_type_attribute"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type_attribute" ."cate_id" IS '分类编号';
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "product_type_attribute"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type_attribute" ."title" IS '标题';
-- Set comment to column: "attr_type" on table: "product_type_attribute"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type_attribute" ."attr_type" IS '特点类型';
-- Set comment to column: "attr_value" on table: "product_type_attribute"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type_attribute" ."attr_value" IS '特点值';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "product_type_attribute"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type_attribute" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "sort" on table: "product_type_attribute"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type_attribute" ."sort" IS '排序';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "product_type_attribute"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product_type_attribute" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "role" table
CREATE TABLE "role" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "description" character varying(500) NULL DEFAULT '', "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "title" on table: "role"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "role" ."title" IS '标题称号';
-- Set comment to column: "description" on table: "role"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "role" ."description" IS '描绘';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "role"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "role" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "role"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "role" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Create "role_auth" table
CREATE TABLE "role_auth" ("auth_id" bigserial NOT NULL, "role_id" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "id" bigserial NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "auth_id" on table: "role_auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "role_auth" ."auth_id" IS '权限编号';
-- Set comment to column: "role_id" on table: "role_auth"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "role_auth" ."role_id" IS '人物编号';
-- Create "setting" table
CREATE TABLE "setting" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "site_title" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "site_logo" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "site_keywords" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "site_description" character varying(500) NULL DEFAULT '', "no_picture" character varying(100) NULL DEFAULT '', "site_icp" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "site_tel" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "search_keywords" character varying(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "tongji_code" character varying(500) NULL DEFAULT '', "appid" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "app_secret" character varying(80) NULL DEFAULT '', "end_point" character varying(200) NULL DEFAULT '', "bucket_name" character varying(200) NULL DEFAULT '', "oss_status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "site_title" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."site_title" IS '商城称号';
-- Set comment to column: "site_logo" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."site_logo" IS '商城图标';
-- Set comment to column: "site_keywords" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."site_keywords" IS '商城关键字';
-- Set comment to column: "site_description" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."site_description" IS '商城描绘';
-- Set comment to column: "no_picture" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."no_picture" IS '没有图片显示';
-- Set comment to column: "site_icp" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."site_icp" IS '商城ICP';
-- Set comment to column: "site_tel" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."site_tel" IS '商城手机号';
-- Set comment to column: "search_keywords" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."search_keywords" IS '搜索关键字';
-- Set comment to column: "tongji_code" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."tongji_code" IS '统计编码';
-- Set comment to column: "appid" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."appid" IS 'oss appid';
-- Set comment to column: "app_secret" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."app_secret" IS 'oss app_secret';
-- Set comment to column: "end_point" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."end_point" IS 'oss 终端点';
-- Set comment to column: "bucket_name" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."bucket_name" IS 'oss 桶称号';
-- Set comment to column: "oss_status" on table: "setting"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "setting" ."oss_status" IS 'oss 状况';
-- Create "user" table
CREATE TABLE "user" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "phone" character varying(30) NULL DEFAULT '', "password" character varying(80) NULL DEFAULT '', "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "last_ip" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "email" character varying(80) NULL DEFAULT '', "status" smallint NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "phone" on table: "user"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user" ."phone" IS '手机号';
-- Set comment to column: "password" on table: "user"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user" ."password" IS '暗码';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "user"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Set comment to column: "last_ip" on table: "user"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user" ."last_ip" IS '最近ip';
-- Set comment to column: "email" on table: "user"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user" ."email" IS '邮编';
-- Set comment to column: "status" on table: "user"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user" ."status" IS '状况';
-- Create "user_sms" table
CREATE TABLE "user_sms" ("id" bigserial NOT NULL, "ip" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "phone" character varying(50) NULL DEFAULT '', "send_count" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "add_day" character varying(200) NULL DEFAULT '', "add_time" bigint NULL DEFAULT 0, "sign" character varying(80) NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ("id"));
-- Set comment to column: "ip" on table: "user_sms"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_sms" ."ip" IS 'ip地址';
-- Set comment to column: "phone" on table: "user_sms"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_sms" ."phone" IS '手机号';
-- Set comment to column: "send_count" on table: "user_sms"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_sms" ."send_count" IS '发送统计';
-- Set comment to column: "add_day" on table: "user_sms"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_sms" ."add_day" IS '增加日期';
-- Set comment to column: "add_time" on table: "user_sms"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_sms" ."add_time" IS '增加时刻';
-- Set comment to column: "sign" on table: "user_sms"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_sms" ."sign" IS '签名';
go-doudou svc init testpg --db_driver postgres --db_dsn "host=localhost user=corteza password=corteza dbname=testpg port=5432 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai" --db_soft deleted_at --db_grpc
履行go run cmd/main.go
此处需求重点要阐明一下分页查询类的接口。以GetUsers(ctx context.Context, parameter dto.Parameter) (data dto.Page, err error)
这个接口办法为例,会生成”get /users”分页查询接口。导入postman里咱们能够看到如下界面
postman默许参数名 | 正确的参数名 | 参数阐明 |
page | parameter[page] | 页码,第1页传0 |
size | parameter[size] | 每页数量 |
sort | parameter[sort] | 排序,多个排序条件用英文逗号拼接,单个排序条件默许升序,首字符假如是“-”则降序 |
order | parameter[order] | 升降序,默许升序,能够不传。假如传了DESC表明降序。一般只用sort参数即可 |
fields | parameter[fields] | 指定返回哪些字段,留意要传数据库中的字段名,多个字段用英文逗号拼接 |
filters | parameter[filters] | 挑选过滤条件,支撑多维数组做嵌套挑选,下文具体阐明 |
curl --location --globoff 'http://localhost:6060/users?parameter[page]=0¶meter[size]=10¶meter[sort]=-phone%2Cid¶meter[fields]=id%2Cphone%2Cemail¶meter[filters][0]=email¶meter[filters][1]=like¶meter[filters][2]=com' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
// 语法:
["column_name", "operator", "values"]
// 比如:
["age", "=", 20]
// 简写:
["age", 20]
// 生成的SQL:
// WHERE age = 20
// 比如
[["age", "=", 20],["or"],["age", "=", 25]]
// 生成的SQL:
// WHERE age = 20 OR age = 25
["age", "between", [20, 30] ]
// 生成的SQL:
// WHERE age BETWEEN 20 AND 30
["age", "not in", [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26] ]
// 生成的SQL:
// WHERE age NOT IN(20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26)
["age", ">", 20],
["age", "<", 30]
["name", "like", "john"],
["name", "like", "doe"]
// 生成的SQL:
// WHERE ( (age > 20 AND age < 20) and name like '%john%' and name like '%doe%' )
// 错的
[ "age", "is", NULL ]
[ "age", "is", Null ]
[ "age", "is not", NULL ]
[ "age", "is not", Null ]
// 对的
[ "age", "is", "NULL" ]
[ "age", "is", "Null" ]
[ "age", "is", "null" ]
[ "age", "is", null ]
[ "age", null ]
[ "age", "is not", "NULL" ]
[ "age", "is not", "Null" ]
[ "age", "is not", "null" ]
[ "age", "is not", null ]
func (receiver XXXImpl) clone(q *query.Query) *TestpgImpl {
receiver.q = q
return &receiver
func (receiver *XXXImpl) TAuthorPosts(ctx context.Context, body dto.SaveAuthorReqDTO) (err error) {
return errors.WithStack(receiver.q.Transaction(func(tx *query.Query) error {
instance := receiver.clone(tx)
_, err1 := instance.PostTAuthor(ctx, body.TAuthor)
if err1 != nil {
return err1
_, err1 = instance.PostTPosts(ctx, body.Posts)
if err1 != nil {
return err1
return nil
- 针对PostgreSQL,支撑传入
参数指定schema - 针对PostgreSQL,解决了默许值带
::character varying
字符串的问题 - 支撑传入