好吧, 开摆了是, 本来计划仿仿这个动画, 可是一场无情的流感打败了我,一向都不是很有精神, 只能先写点简略的来找找状况了.
相同的原版作用如下, 代码能够拜访codeopen.io来查看.
这个是完成的作用, 尽管有时分长出来的树显得不拘一格, 可是终究的作用仍是差强人意的.
尽管看起来简略, 可是写起来却一点也不难. 刚好结合着Compose一块来温习温习单纯的”树”.
本来是计划这么写的, 可是写完后发现没啥内容啊, 最难的事情可能便是如何生成一颗看的过去的腊梅树了吧.
所以终究添加了一个四季的状况, 春天的雨, 夏天的夜, 秋天的光, 冬季的雪. 每个时节还留了一个小彩蛋动画, 也算是把compose中对canvas的运用状况的一个大温习吧.
Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter |
canvas 是我个人认为传统Java View和Kotlin Compose中最为挨近的一部分了
先说说为什么会有这样的结论. 诚然, Compose对Canvas也进行了底层规划和架构的重写, 可是当咱们在Kotlin中运用Canvas时, 咱们不仅仅会觉得各个接口的运用方法相似, 更首要的是规划思路的相似.
大约表现在于我找材料的时分, 假如我运用的不是Kotlin Compose中新增的特性的话, 我经常会发现”Java View 系统下的Canvas材料也能用?”. 当然不能直接运用,不过其供给的思路确实能够处理不少新的问题.
究其原因, “Java View 系统下的Canvas具有很大部分的响应式编程的思路.” 再激进一点, “onDraw(Canvas canvas)方法便是一个@Compose.”
咱们回想一下, onDraw()是不是和咱们一般的View操控方枘圆凿? onDraw()的返回值是void, 意味着咱们不能直接操作其对应的内容. 所以咱们假如想要修正onDraw()显现的作用, 咱们需求经过提前定义好的变量去操控. onDraw()中的内容需求咱们主动或被动的触发才会改动. 咱们再想想咱们在运用onDraw(Canvas canvas)遇到的各种不适应, 是不是咱们运用@Compose时遇到的不适应有点相似?
或者说, 在Java View下的一个Canvas中有一个圆形, 咱们需求在页面某个按钮按下时改动其色彩. 假如咱们将这个需求放到Kotlin Compose下呢?
当然, 以上都是行文至此刻忽然的有感而发, 斗胆假设, 假如各位有兴趣的话我也会具体的写一点”当心求证”的文章也.
回来再看看这颗腊梅树, 规划还都是比较简略的. 首要的便是天空, 土地, 还有树的本身. 只不过各个时节都有自己的一些特征. 那就来一一的进行阐明.
作为肯定的主角和C位, 腊梅树的生成和完成都是比较丰富的.
data class TreeNode(
var deep: Int = 0,
var angle: Float = 0f,
var type: TreeType = TreeType.TREE,
var child: List<TreeNode> = listOf(),
var length: Dp = 0.dp,
// Increased in a loop rather than recursively
var startOffset: Offset = Offset(0f, 0f)
private fun genNewTree(deep: Int, length: Dp): TreeNode {
val treeNode = TreeNode()
treeNode.deep = deep
if (length < minLength.dp) {
treeNode.type = if (flowerCount % 100 == 0) {
} else {
return treeNode
treeNode.type = TreeType.TREE
treeNode.length = length * (random.nextInt(2) / 10f + 0.6f)
treeNode.angle =
(if (random.nextFloat() > 0.5f) 1f else -1f) * (random.nextInt(20 + deep * 5) + 45)
for (i in 0 until random.nextInt(3) + 1) {
treeNode.child += genNewTree(deep + 1, treeNode.length)
return treeNode
作为常用和根底的数据结构之一, 树咱们应用都不陌生. 一般状况下咱们对于这样的小树都是用递归的方式来进行生成和遍历. 这儿咱们相同运用递归的方法来生成一棵树.
不过遭到Compose下Canvas内递归调用麻烦的限制, 咱们选用循环+行列的方式来进行树的遍历.
val tree = genNewTrees(seed)
val baseTreeLength = mBaseCircle / 4f
modifier = Modifier
.offset(mBaseCircle / 2f, mBaseCircle),
) {
color = treeColor,
start = Offset(x = 0f, y = -mBaseCirclePx / 20f),
end = Offset(0f, -baseTreeLength.toPx() - mBaseCirclePx / 20f),
strokeWidth = 10f,
val treeQueue: Queue<TreeNode> = ArrayDeque()
val flowerQueue: Queue<TreeNode> = ArrayDeque()
val fruitQueue: Queue<TreeNode> = ArrayDeque()
var downTreeNode: TreeNode? = null
for (treeNode in tree.child) {
treeNode.startOffset = Offset(0f, -baseTreeLength.toPx() - mBaseCirclePx / 20f)
// Increased in a loop rather than recursively
while (treeQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
val treeNode = treeQueue.poll() ?: break
val angle = treeNode.angle
val deep = treeNode.deep
val type = treeNode.type
val length = treeNode.length
if (type == TreeType.TREE) {
var treeWidth = 15f
for (i in 0..deep) {
treeWidth *= 0.8f
// calculate the position for child node
val startOffset = treeNode.startOffset
val currentEnd = Offset(
x = startOffset.x + length.toPx() * sin(Math.toRadians(angle.toDouble()))
y = startOffset.y - length.toPx() * cos(Math.toRadians(angle.toDouble()))
color = treeColor,
start = startOffset,
end = currentEnd,
strokeWidth = treeWidth,
treeNode.child.forEach {
it.startOffset = currentEnd
// offer the flower/fruit child to queue
if (type == TreeType.FLOWER) {
if (downTreeNode == null) {
downTreeNode = treeNode
} else if (type == TreeType.FRUIT && season != Season.Autumn) {
额外的, 咱们再针对一下不同时节状况下梅花的不同状况, 对腊梅的样式进行时节的匹配. (各个时节下腊梅的表现形式纯属个人臆断.)
当然, 初版之后咱们还需求对生成的树尽心显现作用的微调, 防止生成的腊梅树太难看.
至此, 一棵腊梅树就能够生成和显现出来了.
提到春天, 我第一个想到的便是解缙的那句”春雨贵如油”了.
modifier = Modifier
.offset(mBaseCircle / 2f, mBaseCircle / 2f)
.graphicsLayer {
) {
for (i in -2..2) {
for (j in 0 until maxRains) {
color = rainColor,
size = Size(mBaseCirclePx / 400f, mBaseCirclePx / 20f),
cornerRadius = CornerRadius(size.minDimension / 2f),
topLeft = Offset(
x = rainOffset[j]!!.x,
y = mBaseCircle.value * offset + i * mBaseCircle.value + rainOffset[j]!!.y
这儿为了表现春雨的绵绵不觉的感觉, 所以在一开就显现了雨的全过程, 用了一个很常见的的视觉错位的小技巧, 将相同的雨错位串联起来, 使其看起来是不间断绵绵不绝的.
提到春雨, 就会情不自禁的想到春雷, 所以春雨当中不时会掺杂着一丝春雷的呈现.
private fun generateLights(light: LightNode): LightNode {
if (light.next == null) {
return light
val next = light.next!!
val distance = next.offset - light.offset
if (distance.x * distance.x + distance.y * distance.y > 100) {
val newLight = LightNode()
newLight.offset = Offset(
x = light.offset.x + distance.x / 2f,
y = light.offset.y + distance.y / 2f,
val newDistanceOffset = newLight.offset - light.offset
val newDistance =
sqrt((newDistanceOffset.x * newDistanceOffset.x + newDistanceOffset.y * newDistanceOffset.y).toDouble()) / 2f
newLight.offset = Offset(
x = (newLight.offset.x + newDistance * sin(
y = (newLight.offset.y + newDistance * cos(
newLight.next = next
light.next = newLight
return generateLights(light)
} else {
light.next = generateLights(next)
return light
雷的生成比较于腊梅树的生成来说要杂乱不少, 简略来说, 便是在AB两点之间取一个有用的方位C, 然后在C的必定范围内寻找一个点C′, 使其变成AC′B. 不断的重复这个动作, 直到无法再恣意两点间找到有用的方位(恣意两点距离都过近). 所以终究的结果是一个单链表.
modifier = Modifier
.background(if (showLight) lightSkyColor else Color.Transparent)
.offset(mBaseCircle / 2f, mBaseCircle)
) {
var currentLight = lights
while (currentLight.next != null) {
color = lightColor,
start = currentLight.offset,
end = currentLight.next!!.offset,
strokeWidth = 8f,
currentLight = currentLight.next!!
想对于生成, 显现来说就简略了许多.
夏天嘛, 当然是入夜后伴着清凉的晚风抬头看到的星空了. 尽管现在城市中不再能看到那漫天闪耀的星星了, 但咱们能够自己做一个不是?
for (i in 0..maxStart) {
val alpha: Float by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
initialValue = 0f,
targetValue = 1f,
animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
animation = tween(
durationMillis = 3011,
easing = LinearEasing,
delayMillis = if (random.nextInt(3011 * 2) - 3011 / 2f < 0) {
} else {
random.nextInt(3011 * 2) - 3011 / 2f
repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse,
modifier = Modifier
.offset(x = mBaseCircle / 2f, y = mBaseCircle / 2f),
) {
for (i in 0..maxStart) {
val startLengthOut = mBaseCirclePx / 70f
val startOffsetOut = startLengthOut / 3F
// use Path draw star
看着挺杂乱的, 实际上都是些重复的部分. 这儿用了个infiniteTransition.animateFloat做对应的插值器, 为了能不再一块闪耀, 所以对不同的星星设置了个不同的延时. 至于延时的时间为什么有的是整千帮百的数字, 有的不是. 首要的考量是这些动作是否要同步. 比方星星的闪耀, 当然不需求同步, 并且其最小公倍数越小, 其显现的作用越好, 越不容易重复.
夜空嘛, 也必定需求有流星的. 所以夏天的也也会不守时的呈现流星.
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
while (true) {
showMeteor = true
rotate = -30 + Random(rotate.toInt()).nextInt(90).toFloat()
offsetY =
-mBaseCirclePx / 3f + Random(offsetY.toInt()).nextInt(10) / 10f * mBaseCirclePx / 6f
showMeteor = false
modifier = Modifier
.offset(mBaseCircle / 2f, mBaseCircle / 2f)
.graphicsLayer {
translationX = mBaseCircle.toPx() * offset
translationY = offsetY
) {
if (showMeteor) {
var meterSize = 15f
var meterOffset = -meterSize / 2
for (i in 0..10) {
meterSize *= 0.8f
if (meterSize < 5f) {
meterSize = 5f
val path = Path()
path.moveTo(meterOffset + 0f, meterSize)
path.lineTo(meterOffset + meterSize, 0f)
path.lineTo(meterOffset + 0f, -meterSize)
path.lineTo(meterOffset + -meterSize, 0f)
path.lineTo(meterOffset + 0f, meterSize)
drawPath(path = path, color = Color.White)
meterOffset += if (i < 3) -meterSize else -meterSize * random.nextInt(3) + 1
经过LaunchedEffect来完成一个简略的延时和守时动作, 制作一个流星划过的状况就好.
说实话, 秋天的第一印象是丰枝硕果, 可是腊梅它秋天才开端抽枝发芽… 所以只能退而求其次挑选一个天高气爽的作用了. 也是原版的云彩浮动的作用.
modifier = Modifier
x = mBaseCircle / 2f * offset,
y = -mBaseCircle / 6f,
color = cloudColor,
size = Size(width = size.width / 7f * 4f, height = size.height / 4f),
cornerRadius = CornerRadius(size.minDimension / 2f),
topLeft = Offset(x = center.x - size.width / 4f, y = center.y),
color = cloudColor,
radius = size.minDimension / 10f,
center = Offset(x = center.x - size.width / 20f, y = center.y + size.height / 40f),
color = cloudColor,
radius = size.minDimension / 8f,
center = Offset(x = center.x + size.width / 10f, y = center.y + size.height / 40f),
说实话, 云彩便是一个又一个的圆, 简简略单动一下就行, 和其他的一些特效比起来, 这两朵云彩简直是人畜无害的代表.
前面提到, 腊梅秋天是才抽枝发芽的, 但话又说回来, 果实掉不下来, 掉点嫩芽也不是不可嘛.
private val EaseOutBounce = Easing { fraction ->
val n1 = 7.5625f
val d1 = 2.75f
var newFraction = fraction
return@Easing if (newFraction < 1f / d1) {
n1 * newFraction * newFraction
} else if (newFraction < 2f / d1) {
newFraction -= 1.5f / d1
n1 * newFraction * newFraction + 0.75f
} else if (newFraction < 2.5f / d1) {
newFraction -= 2.25f / d1
n1 * newFraction * newFraction + 0.9375f
} else {
newFraction -= 2.625f / d1
n1 * newFraction * newFraction + 0.984375f
动作的话就不需求再表现了, 一个简略的y轴移动就好了, 这儿着重说一下跳动的插值器, Compose中Easing的插值器是不包含这个作用的. 所以需求咱们仿写一个相似的插值器作用.
雪, 雪, 仍是雪. 没有什么能够比雪更能代表冬季.
for (i in 0..maxSnow) {
offsetList[i] = Offset(
-mBaseCirclePx / 2f + random.nextInt(mBaseCirclePx.toInt()),
-mBaseCirclePx / 10f
for (i in 0..maxSnow) {
val offsetY: Float by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
initialValue = 0f,
targetValue = 1f,
animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
animation = tween(
durationMillis = 3011,
easing = LinearEasing,
delayMillis = (random.nextInt(3011 * 2) - 3011 / 2f).toInt()
repeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart,
modifier = Modifier
.offset(x = mBaseCircle / 2f, y = 0.dp),
) {
for (i in 0..maxSnow) {
color = Color.White,
radius = 5f,
center = Offset(
x = offsetList[i]!!.x,
y = offsetList[i]!!.y + mBaseCirclePx * offsetYList[i]
其实最开端的状况是想要每个雪落下的时分的路径都是一个贝塞尔曲线的作用, 可是写到这的时分, 精力和耐心都消磨了大半, 加上落雪的数量有点多, 已经有一点卡顿的状况, 就没有完成最初的作用, 只是让雪简略的落下.
modifier = Modifier
.rotate(90 * offset)
.offset(x = mBaseCircle / 2f, y = mBaseCircle / 4f * 3 + mBaseCircle / 20f),
color = Color.White,
radius = mBaseCirclePx / 20f,
center = Offset(
x = (0f + sin(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 2f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f,
y = (0f + -cos(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 4f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f,
color = Color.White,
radius = mBaseCirclePx / 30f,
center = Offset(
x = (0f + sin(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 2f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f,
y = (0f + -cos(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 4f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f - mBaseCirclePx / 15f,
// eyes
color = Color.Black,
radius = mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 5f,
center = Offset(
x = (0f + sin(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 2f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f - mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 2f,
y = (0f + -cos(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 4f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f - mBaseCirclePx / 15f - mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 3f,
color = Color.Black,
radius = mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 5f,
center = Offset(
x = (0f + sin(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 2f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f + mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 2f,
y = (0f + -cos(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 4f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f - mBaseCirclePx / 15f - mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 3f,
color = Color.Red,
radius = mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 10f,
center = Offset(
x = (0f + sin(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 2f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f,
y = (0f + -cos(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 4f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f - mBaseCirclePx / 15f - mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 6f,
color = Color.Black,
startAngle = 0f,
sweepAngle = 180f,
useCenter = false,
topLeft = Offset(
x = (0f + sin(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 2f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f - mBaseCirclePx / 40f / 2f,
y = (0f + -cos(Math.toRadians(90.0) * offset) * mBaseCirclePx / 4f).toFloat() + mBaseCirclePx / 4f - mBaseCirclePx / 15f - mBaseCirclePx / 30f / 3f,
size = Size(mBaseCirclePx / 40f, mBaseCirclePx / 40f),
另一个和雪有关的元素便是雪人了, 又是个偷闲的完成, 最初的想法是一边自己旋转, 一边在地上滑动的呈现. 可是没有完成. 就成了现在的样子.
总的来说, 全体的完成度都还不错, 除了冬, 原本的元素还被秋拿走, 又是终究规划的, 导致不少动画和其它时节有所重复, 有点为德不卒的感觉吧.