大家好,从 WWDC 2019 咱们知道了 Apple 关于 SwiftUI 的重视以及整合其生态链 ⌚️ 的决心。关于咱们开发者 而言,SwiftUI 的直观,高效和便捷以及可润饰性的 Coding 更是值得咱们高兴 ,J H N N a ?国内包含一些像 BATJ 的大厂也在活跃布局 。
可是,Xcode中关于SwiftUI的 Library 文件 仍然非常抽象且苍白,要6 0 ? C记住一切的润饰作用关于开发者们是一件非常苦楚的事情2 E @ 7 x m F % B。
我决议将其一切R H 9 _ & d @ /的润饰作用进一步视觉化,实例化 。还包含其使用的扩展方法 以及注意事项 ❗️(HIG)。_ q R `
可能关于一些 Pro 选手 来说K @ * 7 # W !这个 Repo 适当根底,可是关于原生控件的娴熟掌控一定能让你事半功倍,而且更多的视觉化作用也许还能助你激起9 L W h } +新的创意 。
当然关于初阶开发者 来说就更重要了,我曾测验过好g T w w几门 tutorial,可是学完之后只是就会开发 tutorial-alike 的 app,nothing more!。我供认我现在仍是be! 3 r ?ginner,可是我觉得这是走向进阶 的必经之路 。
Hi, guys! We all know that SwiftUI is gettiE l hng more and more powerful , and one of its big features is Modifier. How# | & # t cever, in Xcode, the librH 2 iary d* F y * Documents are pretty plain, and sometimes confu? , Y 1 = Usingd h N B 0 for an inexperienced deveV N f 1 ; u 3 z Sloper like m$ ? q + xe .
So I decide to put my best effort to visualize these and share with youk 2 8 p g p E ) guys., ; b p – i a I know it’s going to be elementary for some pros .7 w N But every cool stuff is built from these, and you may find some inspirations from this grap/ Q H & Z 8 6hic library.
Feel5 { 5 ) freF C Z p ge to make some contribution@ . H h *s and polishes. you Gitters .
- macOS 15+
- Xcode 11.0+
- iOS 13.0+
- I use Gifox (app) to record ⏺ GIFs
Change View in Xcodeu P v j k j
Action Sheet
An action sheet is a specific style of alert that appears in response to a contP k *rol or actb f , @ 9 }ion, and presents a set of twZ { [ I [o or more choice@ c 0s (recommend up to 3️⃣) related to the current cont6 ? J * J – = 7 text.
for more details, go to modifier_ActionSheet.md
Alertsr ] 6 A 2 9 convey important information related to the state of yourT U S app or the device, and often& = , 7 o I request feedback. An alert consists of a title, an optional message, one orR r e more buttons, and oE U * ` Jptional text fields for gathering input. Aside from these configurable elements, the visual appearance of an alert is static and can’t be customized.
for more details, go to modifier_Alert.md
Context Menu (1/4)
A container for views B K ! 6 D l & that you present as a menu items in a contextual menu in response to thW ; M T I Ce standard system gesture (long press).
for more details, go to modifier_ContextMenu.md ( need HELP here)
- Control S, & 8 kizeT P / S 1 3 #
- Focusable
- Item Provider
Popover (2/4)
A pop. F dover is a transient view that appears above o* ^ j Jther content onscreen when you tap a control or in an area.
for more details, go to modifier_Popover
Sheet (2/3)
A sheet is a fullscreen I j | ^ I m a “popover“ which appears from bo c Z C 9 + } Lottom with beautiful native transition.
for more details, go to modifier_Sheet$ z ( Q } }
- Status Bar Hidden
- Tab Item
- Touch Bar
- Touch Bar Customizati] _ hon L= , !abel
- Toj ; m X M Tuch Bar Item Presence
- Touch Bar Item Principal
Accent Color
Accent Color is the theme color of your apps, it can be applied on
&Tab2 Q w M h = JItem
.The default accent color is
fC f P cor more details, go to modifier_AccentColor.md
Blend Mode
SH P J V F * ]ets the blend mode for compositing the view with overlapping views.
for more details, go to modifier_BlendMode.md
.j H F H x ` ublur()
Applies a Gaussian bl[ 5 k 7 e Cur to the view.If you want to apply i: B G 0 0 4 ] _ t to backgrounde, you have to ag % P d $ – n ; Vdd few more codeV P – K. See
struct BlurBg
for more details, go to modifier_Blur.md
Border &amc 9 Yp; Stroke & StrokeBorder
is always a rectanL Q @ = H 9gle, and draws bork * v { pder inside5 V C ) t u 5 its frame.
.stroF h eke()
can be shaped, and draws border right in its frame.
can be shap. 0 L c n { Med, and draws border inside its frU m I ] B / F ~ame.
for more details, go to modi{ Bfier_Border.md
applies to the view. and its suggested range is from -1 to 1 (Double
for more details, go to modifier_Brightness.md
Clip Shape
applie$ * I ` N ss to the shape.
.cV $ x 3 z e O D Slipped()
applies to the frame.
for more details, go to modifier_ClipShape.md
see modifiec w !r_ClipShape.md
Inverts the colors in the view.
for more details, go to modifier_; o GColorInvert.md
Color Multiply
Adds a color multiplication effecti s d g to the view.
for more details, go to modifier_ColorMultiply.md
Color Scheme
Sets the view’s color( E q d scheme. (Dark mode preview)
for more detr | w 9 O % ! Sails, go to modifier_ColorScheme.md
Compositing Group
Content Shape
.c[ p J y zontrast(g Y e b : Z . E)
applies to the view. and its suggested range is from -5 to 5 (Double
for more details, go to modifier_Contrast.md
Corner Radius
.cornerRadiug ` G E x b c . ys()
applies to the view.and whe} % n =n its amount is clo` H i v 6 # m Iserp 6 I z B = 9 r to its frame, it would be
for more details, go to modifier_Co1 K y [ V ; h – MrnerRadig n X |us.md
Drawing Group
Foreground Color
Hue Rotation
Luminance to Alpha
Preferred Color Scheme
Rotation 3D
SaturatiK F ) X G K z } qon
Alignment Guide
Anchor Preference
Aspect Ratio
BackgrouJ H j xnd preference Value
Coordinate Space
DefQ [ ` [ Mault Wheel Picker Ite? s * { N D v l /m Height
Edge IgnorinK * c L ~ Mg Safe Area
Fixed Size
Horizontal Ratio Group Layout
Label Hidden
Layr a c [ f aout Priority
Overlay Preference Value
Scaled to Fillz $ ^ W [ =
Scaled toS D z 0 ? Fit
Transform Anch w or PreferF R F Hence
Z index
Allows Tightening
Baseline Offset( 9 #
Disable Autocorrection
Flips for Right to Left
Font Weight
Keyboard Type( 3 H D c ) 9
Line Limit
Line Spacing
Minimum Scale Factor
Multiline TextG ! _ m # c g h AlignY H R , 0ment
Strikethr1 U Z ough
Text Contenz J o D I I p It Type
Track@ o X 5ing
Truncation Mode
Symbol Image Scale
Image Rendering Mode
Image Res. – 8 Fizable
Delete Disabled
List Row Background
Li– 4 Ast Row Insets
List Row Platter Color
MoveQ j 2 w c ` Disabled
On Delete
On Insert
On Move
Navigation Bar
Na| g X n c v yvigation Bar Back Button Hidden
Navigati( ] p %on Bar Hidden
Navigation Bar Items
Navigation Bar Title
Button Sty^ R D }le
Date Picker Style
List Style
Menu Button Style
Navigation Vie0 ! B s 7w Style
Pic/ U 0ker Style
Text Field Style
Toggle Style
Modifiera – 2 %s
Adjustable Action
Scroll Action
Activation Pg J Y W k * !oint
Add Traits
IdentifJ n ~ X yier
Remove Traits
Sort Priority
Digital Crown Ry d zotation
On Appear
On Command
On Copy Command( L | – .
On Cut Command
On Delete Command
On Disappear
Ong @ f h ) F D3 v | 9 G % #rag
On Drop
On Exit Command
On Hover
On Move Command
On Paste Command
On Play Pause Command
On Preferen. p } ( 4ce Change
On Receive
Drag Gesture
Exclusive Gesture
High Priority Gesture
Magnification Gesture
On Long Press Gesture
On Tap Gesture
Rotation Gesture
Sequence Gesture
Simultaneous Gesture
Offe k 6 } . Nset
Allows Hit Testing
EnviZ z Rronmenh y L Vt
Environment Object
Tras z f –nsaction
Transform Environment
Transform PrefeP & { O ! z ? ;rence