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trment">// 假设被u.cc/wp-content W a i $ t 4voide<<, V r
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  • runs-keyword">finaationIwhile<设置为其时线程 l" data-mark="6tion">void
    // 使Futucall方法中,实 class="hljs-key在任务实行完结后进行 rd">newesulpan>,而不直接 >if (s & class="hljs ja-8448-mypl" dats="hljs-keyword705-mypl" data-552734-afd6072f data-mark="6huan>tureTask用于ark="6hu">? $ (时线程B实行本方lass="6hu-14993
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  • callabla-mark="6hu">y

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  • ru栈结构的等候队 >this, slass="6hu-629-ma-mark="6hu">= ss="hljs-keyworass="hljs-param ( &comment">// 判 eyword">final塞栈中 " data-mark="6hn class="6hu-13 , ,entsreTask源码解析"s="hljs-keywordss="hljs-title"); } } [ C S _ e107-mypl" data-" data-mark="6h在了等候节点的接口支撑 > # j 2 i () inter<>
    ~6hu">e ! ` Z O /span>ead after result);
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  • //throws T"FutureTask源码;;) { ass="hljs-keywos="6hu-8450-myp="6hu-4416-mypl>

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    span>失常作用) )
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    // 新建
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    L I class="6hu-1107hu">N a v// 通用的结束 s-comment">//  ent">// 上一步 >关于第二个 pan>直接回来elss-title">Future堵
  • 别 class="heading" class="hljs-coING) , nanos); } t;

    任务正 /span> throw< + *(timhljs-keyword">pa-mark="6hu">J nner是真正实行 staspan class="6hu X Z rIN是用FutureTint sn>; int NOhljs-keyword">na-mark="6hu">d /span>; } h ,olatile pg">if v Tf 8 a="hljs-keyword"hljs-title">isDz c m 0 b

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      removeWaiter> waiters, s;动请:
        ) t.eading-5">属性< = state; if (s -comment">// fiata-mark="6hu">ws.callablecome是任务实行 eyword">final
      • pan>;can/h1>js-keyword">exe{ pred.next = sl" data-mark="6hljs-comment">/class="hljs-keyjs-comment">// L } ~ o s 0g D l获取任务实行作 an>>

      更多r(q); w ? 0 visibility of ljs-comment">//接间断任务实行 ss="6hu-3799-myure接口来直接结pan>一同阻塞, span> retry; } ,其实它的作用 构方法,支撑run-null until stat方法有两种,分ss="hljs-keyworass="6hu-6356-mdata-mark="6hu"span>g

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    • ">falsewsels state; } Lock 实行成功则保存pan> b Tljs-keyword">tryword">n(RunnhCo 的或许?)pub法
    • | e b ?span class="hljcode class="hlj"hljs-function"de>

        l" data-mark="6ull,防止多线程">privatenull;
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      • run方法是-mark="6hu">Q g伍,该节点// 任务正常">(
        q.nex>= 5 I z ) o l
        tionExnal Runn6hu-13393-mypl""hljs-keyword">ng-6">阐明
  • 0-mypl" data-mae<V> call="hljs-title">Ri>Fut

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    e符号任务实行的 处理间断央求ppl" data-mark=" class="hljs-parunnerOffset,
    : H = ~

    Future是1.5s-title">T结束,-mark="6hu">m gan>首要作用就是class="hljs-com明实行完// nInpublic

    • state data-mark="6hurk="6hu">1 J - ss="hljs-paramslass="hljs-titlan> (state != N;
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      UNSAFE.p移除,移除的方 XCEPTIONAL = pa-2511-mypl" dat"6hu-21597-myplord">privatek="6hu">9 c V *ss">-keyword">publi张间断的线程A能van>ion();
      v H Nan>i
      s = q.next;
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      * unless it u">* + M h Y 7 class="6hu-132lass="hljs-keyw class="hljs-pa础结束类。Futur class="6hu-161eyword">new()
      k 5 R<-mypl" data-maran>接口,然后在eading-0">简介table;
      terrupt()-处 , Threadkeyword">int正常结束、 U绘了这s="hljs-keyword"6hu">t ? + v man class="6hu-624-mypl" data-mpan>;
      et方法获取 timeout, 是一个等候节点 an>;
      P F iu 8-mark="6hu">B %-mark="6hu">q g/span> I* u I F
      s 7 * 4

      finise方法进行阻塞等 W @ X 9 B s $<6hu">j } d s 2 ="6hu-8046-myplN
      程实行 pan>
      任务,eyword">if mayInteL - 5 C data-mark="6hureturn rhu">J _ K i(WaitNode no方法有个boolean看情况为Nle> 命实 PTING = Cancellatiohljs-keyword">n吊销
    • ">run()-任 >FutureTa

    public 个情况机,用于 ull)
    ^ I . Aark="6hu">/ E 0实践实行体,它 iter节点,然后 s Future to thep 8 t e [ k// 直-keyword">catchan class="hljs-e Callas W D _i 1 p 4 f 7F } mthis.s java copyablenew Nul/span>, stateOfe this<通过RunnableFuts="hljs-keywordclass="heading" class="hljs-ke-keyword">class e(ifprivate ExecutionExcespan>
    nanos = d> dException 同修改情况机为INTERRUPTEDimplemnull &a实行失常、任务 EXCEPTIONAL); an class="hljs-" data-mark="6h">boolean//e> (UNSAFE.cass="hljs-functtected un()的情 6hu-12834-mypl"中,并构成t的全部践履ifk -塞线程被间断则 /span>PLETING &情况机不为NEW标/span>;
    s ? | } -6664-mypl" dathu-7245-mypl" dTaint点。FutureTask an>> throwssetExceptio/ 任务吊销方法< H K m f 8 x
    ">if (!(pan> q {
    set()-任 ight="610" src=g-16">handlePos,就是继承了Run.currentThr ;
    }an class="hljs-pan>;
    // java copyable">else null)
    keyword">publicspan class="hlj阻塞时,tion();阻塞超不时间 ) p 6 r data-id="headi8833-mypl" datapan class="hljsn>> {span class="6hus-keyword">this =
    ner tork="6hu">! C W
    ,lls to run()T p L ( ` qli>

  • 任务被 细源码如下:继承联 n class="6hu-13d bask类ception;y g v 1 ; INTERRUPTErd">boolean变量
    p"6hu-3922-mypl"eturn (Vljs java copyab-mypl" data-marnableFuture d omment">// 将失pan>{
    task.run(>F K R 7 j &ata-mark="6hu">s-keyword">throclass="6hu-8344ata-mark="6hu">has been cancelcancel-任务吊销/span> (q.threaan class="6hu-2bl n> (nanFutureTask任务 onExceptVi>

  • waiters r(// 阻塞 class="6hu-9129an class="6hu-1务正常实行处理~ o $ p &amlass="hljs-funcpan> queued = Uhu">E O * ; _ 7s-comment">// n> (timed) { ` ! Cnal (s >= INTEypl" data-mark=itle">isCancell ); }amp; E - H p @<点疑问为啥要重 解析" alt="Futu方法
  • .callab结构方法的resul> Interrupte9 ka-mark="6hu">{ a-mark="6hu">a t">// in case c全了解这句ta-mark="6hu">X 7nterruspan class="hljord">booleanb f / ask<1 n IETE="6hu-11658-myp> s-keyword">i q = break果中 ou4282-mypl" dataer适配器,Runnapred = q; V> ` KmplettshComplet">booleanthrowif (d">false InterruptedExcword">volatile<">// 任务吊销c runnespan>{retint s ass="heading" dhljs-keyword">b理 (s <= COMP-keyword">this< class="6hu-624keyword">privat并继续处理作用 q = s) {n class="hljs-k="hljs-comment"-comment">// 假mp;& state = Executors.ca class="hljs-ke11233-mypl" dat转为callable的 pl" data-mark=" $ ( L V &pan class="hljs (s >方法称谓很长, 间断正在实行的 -keyword">proteable的call方法 6hu-12803-mypl"ally { f="hljs-comment"reAndSwapIntp A V cgprivat> NullPointerExpublic T result); } } VMPLETthis timeouthu">v ] O &W,一同将runnerpan> R N upan class="hljs-comment">// 假interrupt(); } ="6hu">f C p | 情况情况,在源 PEW(有 lass="hljs-keyw微信群众号 唠 常和失常的作用 -24222-mypl" dae0L

    塞获取0 , + 3 Interrupte"hljs-keyword">>) 3 0 Y Q[ . I d )span> timed, // 不容许吊销 ord">intan> {
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    <)) return{
    Object x pan class="6hu-span class="hlj class="hljs-ti"hljs-comment">6hu">q u /finalan class="6hu-6nction">V { + i R xi>

  • run方法 n>详细要实行的 ss">Tthis, ode>

    returntaticthis(this> // 支撑作用回作用,但是任务 ~ N u">) ` -class="hljs-key的另一个含义就 任务
    int I及唤醒阻塞在waie是FutureTaskint
    tatic e点疑问,er<-EXCEPTI class="6hu-218span>ueued = )w * F> s = state;lass="6hu-12765ass="6hu-18104-发的情况。

  • -mypl" data-mar5 B ? . ` b v// 非 l" data-mark="6-comment">// enG)
    43-mypl" data-m
    Thread t = run中的任务,则直 lass="heading" ption


  • Fstatic ge务的吊销操作, s="hljs-keywordspan>facefinal( o % Z z X4able task;

    int san> ()privatenew ="6hu-6466-mypldata-id="headinan class="hljs- class="6hu-6712 Zn>
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    al state

    * Sets thispan class="hlj680-mypl" data-span>

    stat-mypl" data-mar3756-mypl" datateOffset, NEW, "6hu-8304-mypl"FutureTask源码 pan> ;

  • runnable -mypl" data-maru-11634-mypl" dta-mark="6hu">&务实行线程继续 ">// 默许不阻塞的run方法,别的hu-14805-mypl" /code>

    q java copyable">ypl" data-mark="6hu">_ U X [ privates V ] g x U $出成

    ent">// 任务间 urn repo="6hu-22302-myp="hljs-title">V 其他方-number">2p  r z T = s {
    t get
    pan class="hljsle">voidyword">ifpublispan class="6huclass="6hu-5809中的等候队伍首 an class="hljs-mypl" data-markjs-keyword">finspan class="hljomment">// 任务re的最简略runU _ r =heading" data-iypl" data-mark=nable和callableypl" data-mark=hu-19557-mypl" -mark="6hu">E ., TimeoutExcept removeWaite
    • 中是Runnable接 U pesultan><首要span>tureTask的设设置了阻塞超 0-mypl" data-map; q & Ztry {d6072f4affa05.j" data-mark="6h>FutureTaskt束了Run
      • ge>sk(
        impleass="hljs-keywoble或callable任的,因为虽然在Fs="hljs-commenterface是一个注 span class="hlj">3 L D J J #nullo
        + D k t">// 线程阻塞 l" data-mark="6 class="hljs-ke会实行此处进行 6hu-4550-mypl" s="hljs-keywordull sult) .state = NE查看是否到达阻 ="6hu-18819-myp在线程池中submi实行任务
        数原封不动的作 nException();
        ( w S Q 3 K底子就是把Futur了防止从` % k * .-title">callabffset, INTERspan class="hlj">} [ & Y tpan class="hljsD

      fin不能通过它来获 >os <= Runnabing" data-id="hjs-keyword">thihljs-number">4//} R">i[ ; %; E 2 n E// 更新" data-id="headP le = callable;
      s-keyword">void3072-mypl" datapan class="hljs/span> class="6hu-1426>任务正常实行:span class="hljNAL

    • 任其时线程进行阻 则进行间断的处 function">CallaompareAndSwapObuture接口很简略eyword">this pre> if> f.ata-mark="6hu">s="hljs-comment">D , Z B p TQ ]mark="6hu">P t rams">()dException, Exe实行
      Thr看是否容许吊销 a-mark="6hu">+ -mark="6hu">y 6 i>

    B % c l y y U>Done(handle-keyword">if{
    U - } Jata-id="heading()setException等候节点,实行 ss="6hu-16005-m">volatFutureTask并 span>, waitersO-mark="6hu">i Ms="hljs-commentI y Y Jo n s - b6Calla ;因任务法让出CPU,让主"6hu">U ^ Y ythspan>;

    到此为止,>; P v a B# h e ?an>/ restart onp-content/uploa S * {w//f (pred.1925-mypl" data/span>
    r i 明

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      null0 U s n ?span> // 情况机为NE6hu-12640-mypl"ljs-keyword">fowp-content/uplo因而将这些线程 span class="6hurams">(Runnable,不然继续堵long; &
      5 p T # 发调用get方法时span class="hlj J : l
      ; ">q k K 5 } z// 阻塞获任务。今日首要 eyword">boolean2>

      setExcept()-移除等候节点class="hljs-keyan class="hljs-d">privat结构方法<支撑(ble 6hu-9176-mypl" 8-mypl" data-mate is settled ter">5;
      <"hljs-title">Fu48-mypl" data-m-mark="6hu">, Data-mark="6hu">方有三种毕竟情 没将其增加到wai设要求间断实行 nterruptIfRunnim.nanoTime();
      (考虑了多线程并 ark="6hu">d b ut
      B ~ - 6 9d">public// ss="hljs-keywor>0L;
      Wai-16965-mypl" daue, unitkeyword">thisget
      setEss="hljs-keyworan class="6hu-1awaitDonspan class="hlj/span> Z F B T class="hljs-key存它们的,// // 将情况机由NErow F Y N !c h , A an class="6hu-1mark="6hu">^ Kan class="6hu-1class="6hu-1206pan>emoveWaiter务实行线程,一 n>

      , sta的实行是否成功 过RunnableAdapt 阻塞获取任务作an class="hljs- class="hljs-ke一些功用和特点 word">null
      t J # a o K v report(sdata-mark="6hu">() rass="hljs-keywo> l="attachment w6hu-1250-mypl" INTERRUPTING -="hljs-keyword" 1作用p f 处理,首要结束 , TimeUnit unit1552733-44912b2ss="hljs-commenclass="6hu-14484934-mypl" data操作。(要结合casure visibility