继续创造,加快成长!这是我参加「日新方案 10 月更文挑战」的第23天,点击检查活动详情


咱们运用最大均值差异(MMD)和 Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) 检测器检测文本数据的漂移。

在这个示例中,咱们将专心于检测协变量漂移p(x)\Delta p(x)
由于检测猜测的标签分布漂移与其他办法没有差异(在 CIFAR-10 上检查 K-S 和 MMD 漂移)。

可是,当咱们想要获取输入数据漂移p(x)\Delta p(x)时,它变得更加复杂。


例如:运用Failing Loudly: An Empirical Study of Methods for Detecting Dataset Shift(他们称之为Untrained AutoEncoder 或UAE)中建议的随机初始化编码器。


因而,咱们提取文本的embeddings并检测它们的漂移。此过程对咱们检测到的漂移类型有重大影响。严格来说,咱们不再检测p(x)\Delta p(x),由于(预)练习embeddings的整个练习过程(方针函数、练习数据等)对咱们提取的embeddings有影响。

该库包括运用 HuggingFace transformer 包中预练习embeddings的功能,但也允许您轻松运用自己选择的embeddings。本文中的示例说明了这两个选项。


正如本文中所做的那样,建议将文本数据作为字符串列表 (List[str]) 传递给检测器。 这允许与 HuggingFace 的 transformers 库无缝集成。

上述情况的一个破例是运用自界说 embeddings 时。 在这儿,确保数据以兼容的格局传递给自界说 embeddings 模型非常重要。 在最终一个示例中,界说了 preprocess_batch_fn 以将 list 转换为自界说 TensorFlow embedding 所期望的 np.ndarray


该办法适用于 PyTorch 和 TensorFlow 结构,用于计算测验和预处理过程。
可是 Alibi Detect 不会为您装置 PyTorch。 怎么履行此操作请检查 PyTorch 文档。


咱们运用包括 25000 个用于练习的和 25000 个用于测验的电影谈论情感分类数据集(二分类)。 装置 nlp 库以获取数据集:

!pip install nlp
import nlp
import numpy as np
import os
import tensorflow as tf
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from alibi_detect.cd import KSDrift, MMDDrift
from alibi_detect.saving import save_detector, load_detector

加载 Tokenizer

model_name = 'bert-base-cased'
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)


def load_dataset(dataset: str, split: str = 'test'):
    # 包括练习、测验、无监督数据集
    data = nlp.load_dataset(dataset)
    X, y = [], []
    for x in data[split]:
    X = np.array(X)
    y = np.array(y)
    return X, y
# 练习集
X, y = load_dataset('imdb', split='train')
print(X.shape, y.shape)


(25000,) (25000,)


# 0 表明负面 , 1表明正面
labels = ['Negative', 'Positive']


This is one of the dumbest films, I've ever seen. It rips off nearly ever type of thriller and manages to make a mess of them all.<br /><br />There's not a single good line or character in the whole mess. If there was a plot, it was an afterthought and as far as acting goes, there's nothing good to say so Ill say nothing. I honestly cant understand how this type of nonsense gets produced and actually released, does somebody somewhere not at some stage think, 'Oh my god this really is a load of shite' and call it a day. Its crap like this that has people downloading illegally, the trailer looks like a completely different film, at least if you have download it, you haven't wasted your time or money Don't waste your time, this is painful.



Brilliant over-acting by Lesley Ann Warren. Best dramatic hobo lady I have ever seen, and love scenes in clothes warehouse are second to none. The corn on face is a classic, as good as anything in Blazing Saddles. The take on lawyers is also superb. After being accused of being a turncoat, selling out his boss, and being dishonest the lawyer of Pepto Bolt shrugs indifferently "I'm a lawyer" he says. Three funny words. Jeffrey Tambor, a favorite from the later Larry Sanders show, is fantastic here too as a mad millionaire who wants to crush the ghetto. His character is more malevolent than usual. The hospital scene, and the scene where the homeless invade a demolition site, are all-time classics. Look for the legs scene and the two big diggers fighting (one bleeds). This movie gets better each time I see it (which is quite often).

咱们将原始测验集拆分为一个参阅数据集和一个在计算测验的 H0 下不该拒绝的数据集。

def random_sample(X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, proba_zero: float, n: int):
    if len(y.shape) == 1:
        # 获取下标
        idx_0 = np.where(y == 0)[0]
        idx_1 = np.where(y == 1)[0]
        idx_0 = np.where(y[:, 0] == 1)[0]
        idx_1 = np.where(y[:, 1] == 1)[0]
    # 计算别离从标签为 0 或 1 的数据中取出多少数据
    n_0, n_1 = int(n * proba_zero), int(n * (1 - proba_zero))
    # 随机选择N个数据
    idx_0_out = np.random.choice(idx_0, n_0, replace=False)
    idx_1_out = np.random.choice(idx_1, n_1, replace=False)
    # 拼接筛选出的标签为0或标签为1的数据
    X_out = np.concatenate([X[idx_0_out], X[idx_1_out]])
    y_out = np.concatenate([y[idx_0_out], y[idx_1_out]])
    return X_out.tolist(), y_out.tolist()
def padding_last(x: np.ndarray, seq_len: int) -> np.ndarray:
    try:  # try not to replace padding token
        last_token = np.where(x == 0)[0][0]
    except:  # no padding
        last_token = seq_len - 1
    return 1, last_token
def padding_first(x: np.ndarray, seq_len: int) -> np.ndarray:
    try:  # try not to replace padding token
        first_token = np.where(x == 0)[0][-1] + 2
    except:  # no padding
        first_token = 0
    return first_token, seq_len - 1
def inject_word(token: int, X: np.ndarray, perc_chg: float, padding: str = 'last'):
    seq_len = X.shape[1]
    n_chg = int(perc_chg * .01 * seq_len)
    X_cp = X.copy()
    for _ in range(X.shape[0]):
        if padding == 'last':
            first_token, last_token = padding_last(X_cp[_, :], seq_len)
            first_token, last_token = padding_first(X_cp[_, :], seq_len)
        if last_token <= n_chg:
            choice_len = seq_len
            choice_len = last_token
        idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(first_token, choice_len), n_chg, replace=False)
        X_cp[_, idx] = token
    return X_cp.tolist()

参阅、H0 和不平衡数据集:

# proba_zero = fraction with label 0 (=negative sentiment)
n_sample = 1000
# 参阅数据集
X_ref = random_sample(X, y, proba_zero=.5, n=n_sample)[0]
# H0数据集
X_h0 = random_sample(X, y, proba_zero=.5, n=n_sample)[0]
# 不平衡数据集
n_imb = [.1, .9]
X_imb = {_: random_sample(X, y, proba_zero=_, n=n_sample)[0] for _ in n_imb}


# 好极了、好的、不好的,极差的
words = ['fantastic', 'good', 'bad', 'horrible']
# 受搅扰的百分比,1% 或 5%
perc_chg = [1., 5.]  # % of tokens to change in an instance
# input_ids: 你的 tokens 的数字表明
words_tf = tokenizer(words)['input_ids']
words_tf = [token[1:-1][0] for token in words_tf]
max_len = 100
tokens = tokenizer(X_ref, pad_to_max_length=True,
                   max_length=max_len, return_tensors='tf')
X_word = {}
for i, w in enumerate(words_tf):
    X_word[words[i]] = {}
    for p in perc_chg:
        x = inject_word(w, tokens['input_ids'].numpy(), p)
        dec = tokenizer.batch_decode(x, **dict(skip_special_tokens=True))
        X_word[words[i]][p] = dec

<tf.Tensor: shape=(1000, 100), dtype=int32, numpy=
array([[  101,  1188,  1794, ...,     0,     0,     0],
       [  101,  1556,  5122, ...,  1307,  1800,   102],
       [  101,  3406,  4720, ...,  5674,  2723,   102],
       [  101,  2082,  1122, ...,  1641,   107,   102],
       [  101,  1124,   118, ...,  1155,  1104,   102],
       [  101,  1249, 24017, ...,     0,     0,     0]], dtype=int32)>


首要,咱们需要指定要从 BERT 模型中提取的embedding类型。咱们能够从…中提取embedding

  • pooler_output:序列的第一个标记(分类标记;CLS)的最终一层躲藏状况,由线性层和 Tanh 激活函数进一步处理。线性层权重在预练习期间从下一个句子猜测(分类)方针进行练习。注意:这个输出一般不能很好地总结输入的语义内容,你一般最好对整个输入序列的躲藏状况序列进行均匀或池化。
  • last_hidden_state:模型最终一层输出的躲藏状况序列,对tokens进行均匀。
  • hidden_state:模型在每层输出处的躲藏状况,对tokens进行均匀。
  • hidden_state_cls:检查 hidden_state 但运用 CLS tokens 输出。

假如 hidden_state 或 hidden_state_cls 用作 embedding 类型,您还需要传递用于从中提取 embedding 的层号。作为一个例子,咱们从最终 8 个躲藏状况中提取 embeddings。

from alibi_detect.models.tensorflow import TransformerEmbedding
emb_type = 'hidden_state'
n_layers = 8
layers = [-_ for _ in range(1, n_layers + 1)]
embedding = TransformerEmbedding(model_name, emb_type, layers)

让咱们检查一下 embedding 的姿态:

tokens = tokenizer(list(X[:5]),
# embedding模型
x_emb = embedding(tokens)


(5, 768)

因而,漂移检测器运用的 BERT 模型的 embedding 空间由每个实例的 768 维向量组成。 因而,在进行计算假设检验之前,咱们将首要运用未经练习的主动编码器 (UAE) 运用降维过程。 咱们运用embedding 模型作为 UAE 的输入,然后将 embedding 投影到低维空间

from alibi_detect.cd.tensorflow import UAE
# 低维
enc_dim = 32
shape = (x_emb.shape[1],)
uae = UAE(input_layer=embedding, shape=shape, enc_dim=enc_dim)


emb_uae = uae(tokens)


(5, 32)

K-S 检测器


咱们继续初始化漂移检测器。从这儿开端,检测器的工作原理与其他办法(如图画)相同。 请检查图画示例或 K-S 检测器文档以获取有关每个或许参数的更多信息。

from functools import partial
from alibi_detect.cd.tensorflow import preprocess_drift
# 界说预处理函数
# define preprocessing function
preprocess_fn = partial(preprocess_drift, model=uae, tokenizer=tokenizer,
                        max_len=max_len, batch_size=32)
# 初始化检测器,指定参阅数据集X_ref
# initialize detector
cd = KSDrift(X_ref, p_val=.05, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn, input_shape=(max_len,))
# 保存/加载一个初始化检测器
# we can also save/load an initialised detector
filepath = 'my_path'  # change to directory where detector is saved
save_detector(cd, filepath)
cd = load_detector(filepath)



preds_h0 = cd.predict(X_h0)
labels = ['No!', 'Yes!']
print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds_h0['data']['is_drift']]))
print('p-value: {}'.format(preds_h0['data']['p_val']))


Drift? No!
p-value: [0.31356168 0.18111965 0.60991895 0.43243074 0.6852314  0.722555 0.28769323 0.18111965 0.50035924 0.9134755  0.40047103 0.79439443 0.79439443 0.722555   0.5726548  0.1640792  0.9540582  0.60991895 0.5726548  0.5726548  0.31356168 0.40047103 0.6852314  0.34099194 0.5726548  0.07762147 0.79439443 0.09710453 0.5726548  0.79439443 0.7590978  0.26338065]


# 不平衡数据集
for k, v in X_imb.items():
    preds = cd.predict(v)
    print('% negative sentiment {}'.format(k * 100))
    print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds['data']['is_drift']]))
    print('p-value: {}'.format(preds['data']['p_val']))


% negative sentiment 10.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [4.32430744e-01 4.00471032e-01 5.46463318e-02 7.76214674e-02 1.08282514e-01 1.12110768e-02 6.91903234e-02 2.82894098e-03 8.59294355e-01 6.47557259e-01 1.33834302e-01 7.94394433e-01 4.28151786e-02 2.87693232e-01 6.09918952e-01 1.33834302e-01 2.40603596e-01 9.71045271e-02 7.76214674e-02 9.35580969e-01 2.87693232e-01 2.92505771e-02 4.00471032e-01 6.09918952e-01 2.87693232e-01 5.06567594e-04 1.64079204e-01 6.09918952e-01 1.33834302e-01 2.19330013e-01 7.94394433e-01 2.56591532e-02]
% negative sentiment 90.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [7.36993998e-02 1.37563676e-01 5.86588383e-02 5.07961273e-01 8.37696046e-02 8.80799629e-03 1.23670578e-01 1.76981179e-04 3.21924835e-01 1.20594716e-02 8.43600273e-01 4.08206195e-01 1.69703156e-01 5.79056978e-01 6.32701874e-01 4.48510349e-02 5.07465303e-01 6.64306164e-04 5.23085408e-02 3.78374875e-01 6.65342569e-01 4.06090707e-01 6.21288121e-01 5.85612692e-02 5.87646782e-01 7.55570829e-03 8.99188042e-01 1.18489005e-02 6.68586135e-01 1.01421457e-02 7.97733963e-02 1.73885196e-01]

# 扰动数据集
for w, probas in X_word.items():
    for p, v in probas.items():
        preds = cd.predict(v)
        print('Word: {} -- % perturbed: {}'.format(w, p))
        print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds['data']['is_drift']]))
        print('p-value: {}'.format(preds['data']['p_val']))


Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.8879386  0.01711409 0.2406036  0.9134755  0.21933001 0.04281518
 0.03778438 0.28769323 0.3699725  0.996931   0.8879386  0.43243074
 0.01121108 0.6852314  0.99870795 0.996931   0.93558097 0.99365413
 0.02246371 0.60991895 0.8879386  0.34099194 0.09710453 0.8879386
 0.1338343  0.06155144 0.85929435 0.99365413 0.07762147 0.07762147
 0.9882611  0.85929435]
Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [1.29345525e-02 1.69780876e-14 1.52437299e-11 5.72654784e-01
 1.85489473e-08 1.88342838e-17 6.14975981e-09 4.28151786e-02
 5.62237052e-13 2.13202584e-05 4.28151786e-02 1.97469308e-09
 0.00000000e+00 1.48931602e-02 9.68870163e-01 1.29345525e-02
 2.63380647e-01 1.08282514e-01 1.04535818e-26 4.28151786e-02
 2.13202584e-05 3.47411038e-14 1.09291570e-20 1.08282514e-01
 5.68982140e-18 1.69780876e-14 1.64079204e-01 4.00471032e-01
 3.12689441e-34 3.89208371e-27 2.86525619e-06 1.71956726e-05]
Word: good -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [3.40991944e-01 9.80161786e-01 1.08282514e-01 9.98707950e-01
 1.48338065e-01 9.35580969e-01 7.59097815e-01 9.88261104e-01
 8.87938619e-01 6.47557259e-01 9.68870163e-01 7.94394433e-01
 8.69054198e-02 9.99999642e-01 9.96931016e-01 5.72654784e-01
 9.99870896e-01 4.32430744e-01 9.99870896e-01 2.92505771e-02
 9.13475513e-01 9.13475513e-01 4.65766221e-01 9.35580969e-01
 8.87938619e-01 9.98707950e-01 9.80161786e-01 9.99972701e-01
 7.59097815e-01 1.34916729e-04 9.96931016e-01 9.68870163e-01]
Word: good -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [6.1319246e-16 8.5929435e-01 8.4248814e-24 5.3605431e-01 6.1410643e-10
 1.9951835e-01 2.9080641e-04 3.6997250e-01 2.4072561e-04 3.3837957e-10
 9.5405817e-01 8.6666952e-04 5.2673625e-28 1.4893160e-02 9.7104527e-02
 5.3955968e-11 1.6407920e-01 6.1410643e-10 7.2255498e-01 2.5362303e-18
 7.9439443e-01 1.7943768e-06 1.5330249e-07 2.0378644e-03 1.4563050e-03
 2.1933001e-01 1.9626908e-02 6.4755726e-01 1.4790693e-09 0.0000000e+00
 1.9626908e-02 3.1356168e-01]
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.8879386  0.21933001 0.12050407 0.9540582  0.9134755  0.9540582
 0.99870795 0.9540582  0.7590978  0.40047103 0.9801618  0.7590978
 0.02925058 0.996931   0.9995433  0.79439443 0.26338065 0.04281518
 0.93558097 0.14833806 0.50035924 0.82795686 0.18111965 0.43243074
 0.99365413 0.9882611  0.9801618  0.99870795 0.96887016 0.10828251
 0.07762147 0.9882611 ]
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [7.04859247e-08 5.78442112e-12 7.08821891e-21 1.33834302e-01
 7.13247118e-06 3.69972497e-01 9.68870163e-01 1.81119651e-01
 2.13202584e-05 3.47411038e-14 5.00359237e-01 1.97830971e-07
 9.82534992e-39 1.03241683e-03 1.96269080e-02 2.92505771e-02
 8.76041099e-07 8.49670826e-18 1.08282514e-01 3.38379574e-10
 8.07501343e-25 5.37760343e-07 2.79573150e-17 2.40344345e-03
 1.99518353e-01 7.59097815e-01 8.69054198e-02 3.32311448e-03
 2.15581372e-12 3.95873130e-15 1.95523170e-16 5.72654784e-01]
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [2.63380647e-01 9.98707950e-01 9.98707950e-01 9.88261104e-01
 6.47557259e-01 8.59294355e-01 9.96931016e-01 9.13475513e-01
 3.50604125e-04 9.99870896e-01 9.99870896e-01 6.09918952e-01
 1.33834302e-01 9.80161786e-01 9.35580969e-01 9.88261104e-01
 9.71045271e-02 4.00471032e-01 6.85231388e-01 1.81119651e-01
 4.65766221e-01 9.80161786e-01 8.69054198e-02 9.96931016e-01
 9.99870896e-01 6.91903234e-02 9.80161786e-01 9.99972701e-01
 9.93654132e-01 5.32228360e-03 1.20504074e-01 7.22554982e-01]
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [1.6978088e-14 8.8793862e-01 2.8769323e-01 5.7265478e-01 1.3491673e-04
 1.7114086e-02 4.3243074e-01 1.1211077e-02 8.5801831e-33 3.5060412e-04
 8.6905420e-02 6.1497598e-09 1.4797455e-32 1.3383430e-01 1.7244401e-03
 2.6338065e-01 1.4117470e-08 3.5060412e-04 5.7140245e-15 4.9547091e-14
 5.9822431e-37 8.9143086e-06 8.4967083e-18 3.1356168e-01 8.7604110e-07
 3.9584363e-20 1.4833806e-01 1.7244401e-03 1.1053569e-12 0.0000000e+00
 1.3007273e-15 2.9250577e-02]

MMD TensorFlow 检测器


再次检查 图画示例 或 MMD 检测器文档以获取有关每个或许参数的更多信息。

cd = MMDDrift(X_ref, p_val=.05, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn,
              n_permutations=100, input_shape=(max_len,))



preds_h0 = cd.predict(X_h0)
labels = ['No!', 'Yes!']
print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds_h0['data']['is_drift']]))
print('p-value: {}'.format(preds_h0['data']['p_val']))


Drift? No!
p-value: 0.6


for k, v in X_imb.items():
    preds = cd.predict(v)
    print('% negative sentiment {}'.format(k * 100))
    print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds['data']['is_drift']]))
    print('p-value: {}'.format(preds['data']['p_val']))


% negative sentiment 10.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.01
% negative sentiment 90.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0


for w, probas in X_word.items():
    for p, v in probas.items():
        preds = cd.predict(v)
        print('Word: {} -- % perturbed: {}'.format(w, p))
        print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds['data']['is_drift']]))
        print('p-value: {}'.format(preds['data']['p_val']))


Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: 0.09
Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: good -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: 0.71
Word: good -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: 0.38
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: 0.18
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0

MMD PyTorch 检测器


对于预处理过程和 MMD 完成,咱们能够运用 PyTorch 后端运转相同的检测器:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# set random seed and device
seed = 0
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')



from alibi_detect.cd.pytorch import preprocess_drift
from alibi_detect.models.pytorch import TransformerEmbedding
embedding_pt = TransformerEmbedding(model_name, emb_type, layers)
model = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(768, 256),
    nn.Linear(256, enc_dim)
# define preprocessing function
preprocess_fn = partial(preprocess_drift, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,
                        max_len=max_len, batch_size=32, device=device)
# initialise drift detector
cd = MMDDrift(X_ref, backend='pytorch', p_val=.05, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn,
              n_permutations=100, input_shape=(max_len,))



preds_h0 = cd.predict(X_h0)
labels = ['No!', 'Yes!']
print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds_h0['data']['is_drift']]))
print('p-value: {}'.format(preds_h0['data']['p_val']))


Drift? No!
p-value: 0.49000000953674316


for k, v in X_imb.items():
    preds = cd.predict(v)
    print('% negative sentiment {}'.format(k * 100))
    print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds['data']['is_drift']]))
    print('p-value: {}'.format(preds['data']['p_val']))


% negative sentiment 10.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
% negative sentiment 90.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0


for w, probas in X_word.items():
    for p, v in probas.items():
        preds = cd.predict(v)
        print('Word: {} -- % perturbed: {}'.format(w, p))
        print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds['data']['is_drift']]))
        print('p-value: {}'.format(preds['data']['p_val']))


Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: good -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: 0.10000000149011612
Word: good -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: 0.05999999865889549
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: 0.0

从头开端练习 embeddings

到目前为止,咱们运用了来自 BERT 模型的预练习 embeddings。 可是,咱们也能够运用从头开端练习的模型中的 embeddings。

首要,咱们在 TensorFlow 中界说和练习一个由 embedding 和 LSTM 层组成的简略分类模型。


from tensorflow.keras.datasets import imdb, reuters
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Embedding, Input, LSTM
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import sequence
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
NUM_WORDS = 10000
def print_sentence(tokenized_sentence: str, id2w: dict):
    print(' '.join(id2w[_] for _ in tokenized_sentence))
def mapping_word_id(data):
    w2id = data.get_word_index()
    w2id = {k: (v + INDEX_FROM) for k, v in w2id.items()}
    w2id["<PAD>"] = 0
    w2id["<START>"] = 1
    w2id["<UNK>"] = 2
    w2id["<UNUSED>"] = 3
    id2w = {v: k for k, v in w2id.items()}
    return w2id, id2w
def get_dataset(dataset: str = 'imdb', max_len: int = 100):
    if dataset == 'imdb':
        data = imdb
    elif dataset == 'reuters':
        data = reuters
        raise NotImplementedError
    w2id, id2w = mapping_word_id(data)
    (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = data.load_data(
        num_words=NUM_WORDS, index_from=INDEX_FROM)
    X_train = sequence.pad_sequences(X_train, maxlen=max_len)
    X_test = sequence.pad_sequences(X_test, maxlen=max_len)
    y_train, y_test = to_categorical(y_train), to_categorical(y_test)
    return (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), (w2id, id2w)
def imdb_model(X: np.ndarray, num_words: int = 100, emb_dim: int = 128,
               lstm_dim: int = 128, output_dim: int = 2) -> tf.keras.Model:
    X = np.array(X)
    inputs = Input(shape=(X.shape[1:]), dtype=tf.float32)
    x = Embedding(num_words, emb_dim)(inputs)
    x = LSTM(lstm_dim, dropout=.5)(x)
    outputs = Dense(output_dim, activation=tf.nn.softmax)(x)
    model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
    return model


(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), (word2token, token2word) = \
    get_dataset(dataset='imdb', max_len=max_len)


print_sentence(X_train[0], token2word)


cry at a film it must have been good and this definitely was also <UNK> to the two little boy's that played the <UNK> of norman and paul they were just brilliant children are often left out of the <UNK> list i think because the stars that play them all grown up are such a big profile for the whole film but these children are amazing and should be praised for what they have done don't you think the whole story was so lovely because it was true and was someone's life after all that was shared with us all
[1415   33    6   22   12  215   28   77   52    5   14  407   16   82
    2    8    4  107  117 5952   15  256    4    2    7 3766    5  723
   36   71   43  530  476   26  400  317   46    7    4    2 1029   13
  104   88    4  381   15  297   98   32 2071   56   26  141    6  194
 7486   18    4  226   22   21  134  476   26  480    5  144   30 5535
   18   51   36   28  224   92   25  104    4  226   65   16   38 1334
   88   12   16  283    5   16 4472  113  103   32   15   16 5345   19
  178   32]


model = imdb_model(X=X_train, num_words=NUM_WORDS, emb_dim=256, lstm_dim=128, output_dim=2)
model.fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size=32, epochs=2,
          shuffle=True, validation_data=(X_test, y_test))


Epoch 1/2
782/782 [==============================] - 17s 17ms/step - loss: 0.4314 - accuracy: 0.7988 - val_loss: 0.3481 - val_accuracy: 0.8474
Epoch 2/2
782/782 [==============================] - 14s 18ms/step - loss: 0.2707 - accuracy: 0.8908 - val_loss: 0.3858 - val_accuracy: 0.8451


embedding = tf.keras.Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=model.layers[1].output)
x_emb = embedding(X_train[:5])


(5, 100, 256)

shape = tuple(x_emb.shape[1:])
uae = UAE(input_layer=embedding, shape=shape, enc_dim=enc_dim)

相同,创建参阅、H0 和扰动数据集。 还针对Reuters新闻主题分类数据集进行测验。

X_ref, y_ref = random_sample(X_test, y_test, proba_zero=.5, n=n_sample)
X_h0, y_h0 = random_sample(X_test, y_test, proba_zero=.5, n=n_sample)
tokens = [word2token[w] for w in words]
X_word = {}
for i, t in enumerate(tokens):
    X_word[words[i]] = {}
    for p in perc_chg:
        X_word[words[i]][p] = inject_word(t, np.array(X_ref), p, padding='first')

# load and tokenize Reuters dataset
(X_reut, y_reut), (w2t_reut, t2w_reut) = \
    get_dataset(dataset='reuters', max_len=max_len)[1:]
# sample random instances
idx = np.random.choice(X_reut.shape[0], n_sample, replace=False)
X_ood = X_reut[idx]


from alibi_detect.cd.tensorflow import preprocess_drift
# define preprocess_batch_fn to convert list of str's to np.ndarray to be processed by `model`
def convert_list(X: list):
    return np.array(X)
# define preprocessing function
preprocess_fn = partial(preprocess_drift, 
# initialize detector
cd = KSDrift(X_ref, p_val=.05, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn)


preds_h0 = cd.predict(X_h0)
labels = ['No!', 'Yes!']
print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds_h0['data']['is_drift']]))
print('p-value: {}'.format(preds_h0['data']['p_val']))


Drift? No!
p-value: [0.18111965 0.50035924 0.5360543  0.722555   0.2406036  0.02925058 0.43243074 0.12050407 0.722555   0.60991895 0.19951835 0.60991895 0.50035924 0.79439443 0.722555   0.64755726 0.40047103 0.34099194 0.1338343  0.10828251 0.64755726 0.9995433  0.9540582  0.9134755 0.40047103 0.1640792  0.40047103 0.64755726 0.9134755  0.7590978 0.5726548  0.722555  ]


for w, probas in X_word.items():
    for p, v in probas.items():
        preds = cd.predict(v)
        print('Word: {} -- % perturbed: {}'.format(w, p))
        print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds['data']['is_drift']]))
        print('p-value: {}'.format(preds['data']['p_val']))


Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.9998709  0.7590978  0.99870795 0.9995433  0.9801618  0.9134755
 0.82795686 0.99870795 0.9882611  0.8879386  0.9801618  0.79439443
 0.85929435 0.96887016 0.9134755  0.996931   0.5726548  0.93558097
 0.9882611  0.99870795 0.93558097 0.96887016 0.85929435 0.9882611
 0.93558097 0.996931   0.996931   0.96887016 0.9882611  0.96887016
 0.8879386  0.996931  ]
Word: fantastic -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.85929435 0.06155144 0.9540582  0.79439443 0.43243074 0.6852314
 0.722555   0.9134755  0.28769323 0.996931   0.60991895 0.19951835
 0.43243074 0.64755726 0.722555   0.8879386  0.18111965 0.18111965
 0.43243074 0.14833806 0.50035924 0.43243074 0.01489316 0.01121108
 0.722555   0.46576622 0.07762147 0.8879386  0.05464633 0.10828251
 0.03327804 0.9801618 ]
Word: good -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.99365413 0.8879386  0.99870795 0.9801618  0.99870795 0.99870795
 0.9134755  0.93558097 0.8879386  0.9995433  0.93558097 0.996931
 0.99999607 0.9995433  0.99870795 0.9801618  0.99870795 0.9801618
 0.8879386  0.996931   0.9134755  0.996931   0.7590978  0.99365413
 0.9540582  0.99870795 0.99870795 0.9998709  0.9801618  0.64755726
 0.9999727  0.8879386 ]
Word: good -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.9882611  0.6852314  0.79439443 0.60991895 0.28769323 0.3699725
 0.28769323 0.6852314  0.79439443 0.31356168 0.99870795 0.85929435
 0.34099194 0.34099194 0.8879386  0.996931   0.96887016 0.96887016
 0.9540582  0.722555   0.19951835 0.9995433  0.3699725  0.722555
 0.1338343  0.9134755  0.5360543  0.26338065 0.85929435 0.2406036
 0.31356168 0.6852314 ]
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.93558097 0.996931   0.85929435 0.9540582  0.50035924 0.64755726
 0.82795686 0.85929435 0.82795686 0.9882611  0.82795686 0.9540582
 0.21933001 0.96887016 0.93558097 0.99870795 0.79439443 0.722555
 0.93558097 0.93558097 0.64755726 0.99365413 0.5726548  0.9998709
 0.93558097 0.96887016 0.9995433  0.99365413 0.7590978  0.93558097
 0.9882611  0.9134755 ]
Word: bad -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [4.00471032e-01 8.27956855e-01 2.87693232e-01 6.47557259e-01
 3.89581337e-03 1.03241683e-03 3.40991944e-01 7.59097815e-01
 2.82894098e-03 5.46463318e-02 1.20504074e-01 2.63380647e-01
 1.11190266e-05 5.46463318e-02 4.65766221e-01 7.94394433e-01
 9.69783217e-03 3.69972497e-01 9.35580969e-01 1.71140861e-02
 6.91903234e-02 7.94394433e-01 9.07998619e-05 4.00471032e-01
 8.27956855e-01 7.59097815e-01 1.64079204e-01 4.84188050e-02
 1.71140861e-02 6.85231388e-01 5.46463318e-02 5.72654784e-01]
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 1.0
Drift? No!
p-value: [0.996931   0.9801618  0.96887016 0.79439443 0.79439443 0.5726548
 0.82795686 0.996931   0.43243074 0.93558097 0.79439443 0.82795686
 0.06919032 0.3699725  0.96887016 0.9540582  0.5360543  0.6852314
 0.60991895 0.79439443 0.9540582  0.9801618  0.40047103 0.5726548
 0.82795686 0.8879386  0.9540582  0.9134755  0.99365413 0.60991895
 0.82795686 0.79439443]
Word: horrible -- % perturbed: 5.0
Drift? Yes!
p-value: [4.00471032e-01 1.48931602e-02 4.84188050e-02 1.96269080e-02
 1.12110768e-02 1.48931602e-02 4.00471032e-01 5.72654784e-01
 1.45630504e-03 1.96269080e-02 7.59097815e-01 1.72444014e-03
 1.30072730e-15 1.79437677e-06 2.63380647e-01 6.47557259e-01
 1.11478073e-06 1.99518353e-01 1.20504074e-01 4.55808453e-03
 7.21312594e-03 2.40603596e-01 2.24637091e-02 4.28151786e-02
 4.28151786e-02 7.22554982e-01 1.08282514e-01 9.07998619e-05
 5.36054313e-01 9.71045271e-02 1.64079204e-01 3.40991944e-01]

该检测器不如基于 Transformer 的 K-S 漂移检测器活络。从头开端练习的 embeddings 只在一个小数据集和一个具有穿插熵丢失函数的简略模型上练习了 2 个 epoch。 另一方面,预练习的 BERT 模型能够更好地捕捉数据的语义。

来自 Reuters 数据集的样本:

preds_ood = cd.predict(X_ood)
labels = ['No!', 'Yes!']
print('Drift? {}'.format(labels[preds_ood['data']['is_drift']]))
print('p-value: {}'.format(preds_ood['data']['p_val']))


Drift? Yes!
p-value: [7.22554982e-01 1.07232365e-08 3.69972497e-01 9.54058170e-01 7.22554982e-01 4.84188050e-02 9.69783217e-03 1.71956726e-05 8.87938619e-01 4.01514189e-05 2.54783203e-07 1.22740539e-03 4.21853358e-04 3.49877549e-09 5.46463318e-02 1.79437677e-06 6.91903234e-02 4.20066499e-07 3.50604125e-04 2.87693232e-01 1.69780876e-14 1.69780876e-14 3.40991944e-01 2.53623026e-18 2.26972293e-06 3.18301190e-08 2.40344345e-03 5.32228360e-03 2.40725611e-04 2.56591532e-02 3.27475419e-07 5.69539361e-06]

原文链接:Text drift detection on IMDB movie reviews